Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions – Postdoctoral Fellowship


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Who can apply?
Postdoctoral researchers with <8 years of experience after obtaining their PhD.

What can you apply for?
Up to ~€300k to cover salary, mobility and family costs, training, travel and research expenses, and indirect costs.

Next deadline
11th of September 2024

Get our Guide for MSCA-PF Applicants

Most common reasons for rejection

Vague descriptions
Some sections of the proposal (i.e., the outreach programme, the risk & contingencies, the impacts section) lack enough detail to establish credibility

Overambitious research projects
The project is overambitious for different reasons, including the research plan is too extensive to be implemented within the fellowship’s timeframe, tasks lack enough precedent to be credible, or the researcher lacks the necessary expertise to implement specific tasks

The proposal does not convincingly address all the critical points (see below)

Heterogenous development
The proposal fully develops some sections and neglects others

Readability issues
The proposal is difficult to read: complicated organisation of ideas, intricate text flow, or language not adapted to the audience

How we can help you maximise your chances of success

We analyse how well your proposal addresses the following critical points:

The scientific need identified is important and addresses key societal/economic/environmental challenges.

Research & innovation (R&I) objectives
The defined R&I objectives are clear, specific, ambitious, realistically achievable, measurable, verifiable, and connect with the project’s main purpose.

Feasibility of the research plan
The research plan is sound, founded in solid precedents, and is suitable to achieve the R&I objectives.

Training potential
The description highlighting how the project will improve the researcher’s skillset and career perspectives is convincing, and highlights the complementarity of the researcher and host’s expertise.

The proposal describes the significant magnitude of the project’s scientific, societal, and economic impacts that extend beyond its time frame.

The project’s timelines and proposed activities, including training activities, dissemination actions, and project monitoring are coherent and effective.

Risk positioning
The potential risks of the project are well-identified, and solid contingencies are in place to make it bulletproof

Text flow
The proposal is well-structured, easy to read, and enjoyable and presents a coherent flow of ideas.

More generally…
We will also assess the description of the quality of the supervision, gender dimension, open science measures, dissemination, and exploitation.

TPM identified areas of opportunity very well. Their feedback contributed to reducing disagreements within the proposal team and facilitated a more consensual approach to improving the proposal. Provided a well-written overview of the strengths and improvement potential of the application. Provided useful edits and comments allowing me to determine the changes as deemed best. Provided a one-on-one session to discuss the feedback and clarify any questions. Overall, insightful, structured, objective and constructive review process.

Dr. Ananya Ashok, postdoctoral researcher, MSCA-PF applicant

Institute of Marine Sciences, Barcelona