Scientific & Medical Writing
Need some help?
We help you advance efficiently.
Is your research or clinical workload slowing down your writing? Are you working on an important draft, and need an external perspective to make sure it is just right? As experienced scientists and editors, we offer writing and editing services that help you organise your ideas and advance your writing efficiently.
What we can help you with
Scientific Writing
- Papers
- PhD theses
- Technical reports
Medical Writing
- Clinical Study Protocols
- Clinical Study Reports
- Peer-reviewed publications
We can support you at different stages of your writing process
Depending on how much progress you have already made with your draft, or how much time you have to work on it, we offer different levels of support:
Final Review
You have a complete draft, and you want help to improve the clarity of the scientific message, and the style and flow of the language.
Writing Guidance
You have all of the ideas/data, and you want practical guidance to help you build your draft and clearly transmit the scientific message.
You have all of the ideas/data, but not enough time to write the entire draft yourself – you want us to write it under your supervision.
Our Experience
Our insights come from our our own experience as researchers, editors, and trainers
Since 2013, we have helped many researchers and physicians to polish their drafts:
>650 papers, theses, protocols, and reports
>170 researchers and physicians
>50 research centres, universities, and companies
>1900 people trained in our scientific writing workshops