Support Options for Scientific & Medical Writing
We can support you at different stages of your writing process
We create a tailored workflow to help you advance your writing efficiently.
We can support you at different stages of your writing process
Final Review
“we review your draft”
You have…
…have already written a complete draft.
You need…
…an external perspective to help you polish the communication and bring it up to the highest standard.
How we can help
We are your editor. We review your advanced draft to help you check that the ideas/data are clearly explained, well organised, and consistent, and your writing is coherent and easy to follow. This is a two-step process with two editors involved, to ensure that nothing escapes our eyes.
You send us your advanced draft. We edit it to improve the grammar and style, make suggestions to improve the structure and flow of the argument, and give feedback and recommendations on any aspects that are not clear.
Writing Guidance
“we guide your writing”
You have…
…all of the main ideas/data and a clear picture of the main content.
You need…
…an external perspective to help you clearly presenting your ideas/data, and practical support to build your draft.
How we can help
We are your editor and project manager. We create a tailored timeline to help advance your writing rapidly. We show you how to efficiently outline your ideas/data and consensuate it with your co-authors. At each stage, we give you input on your argument and the clarity of your communication.
We have a call to discuss the content and agree on the timeline for your writing. We teach you a technique for efficiently outlining the argument and refining it based on input from co-authors and us. When you are satisfied and have fleshed this out into a full draft, we review it to help you polish the communication.
“we write, you supervise”
You have…
…all of the main ideas/data and a clear picture of the main content, but you do not have enough time to write.
You need…
…someone to take over the entire writing process, and help transform your ideas/data into a final draft.
How we can help
We are your editor, project manager, and writer. We gather all of the ideas/data together, build up an outline, coordinate input and feedback from you and co-authors, and write and polish the final text. Every iteration is a two-step process with a writer and an editor involved, to ensure the highest quality.
You send us the material to start with, and we have a call to discuss the content. We use an efficient technique to develop the argument, get feedback from you and your team to make sure we are on the right track, and repeat to refine. When you are satisfied, we flesh this out into a full draft and again get your feedback on any remaining doubts before delivering the final version.
Four reasons to choose us
Scientific writing is mostly not about writing, it is mostly about science and project management. That means excellent communication, attention to detail, efficient processes, and organization. Here is how we can help with that.
Of course, we take care of the basics: spelling, grammar, flow, and style. All of us are either native speakers or have an advanced level of English.
Too many great projects have lost potential impact because of disorganised ideas/data. We help you create a well organised argument with good internal structure and connectivity, so that your ideas/data are easy for readers to follow.
External Perspective
We will give you an external perspective to see your science through the eyes of a reader/reviewer – just like us, they are scientists, but also not as expert as you in your topic. We will give you suggestions to improve clarity and consistency.
Efficient process
It is not enough just to write great drafts, we also have to do it efficiently. We help you establish an agile timeline and we use efficient processes to help you stay on track even when you have a heavy workload.
Please feel free write to us at in whichever of these three languages you feel more comfortable with: English, Spanish, or Catalan. We’ll get back to you in 24 hours.