Workshop Room Conditions

Ideal room conditions for your workshop with TPM Science

On this webpage we describe good workshop room conditions to ensure that the participants ge the most of our training.

General Room Requirements

  • Room size: at least 30m2, large enough to fit all participant chairs arranged in a half-circle
  • The room should have windows that provide natural light
  • During the workshop, we will need to hang posters (flipchart paper) on the walls using masking tape
  • The room should not have fixed seating (an auditorium would be inadequate).

Material Requirements

  • Two flipchart stands with flipchart paper
  • Chairs for the participants with integrated fold-away tables (alternatively normal seats)
  • Chairs for the trainer(s)
  • One or two tables to organize the training material (tables for participants will not be necessary)
  • A stack of A4 paper and pens for the participants to take notes
  • A projector/screen to show some material

Training Room Set-Up

  • Arrange participant chairs in a half-circle
  • Place the trainer chairs and the two flipchart stands on the open side of the circle
  • Place one or two tables in the corner of the room (on the side of the trainer chairs)
  • If applicable, remove remaining chairs/tables from the room.

Please refer to the below picture as an example for a good room setup: